

I need a job.

 Upon my return to Minneapolis, I found myself in a tight job market. I had

the stupid idea that maybe I could drum up some interest by sending out these

 postcards to all the agencies I wanted to work for. Notice the body copy is the same

on all six. That was stupid. And notice the double m in my name. A stupid affectation

 from junior high that I finally dropped in my late 20s. Stupid hath no bounds.

Hire Me


Body copy on all six cards:

A world of experience. BBDO and Sielaff /Grawert, Minneapolis; Michael Peters & Associates, London; Istanbul Reklum, Istanbul; Grey Advertising, Tokyo. Owner and creator of the Bijou Film Society. Guinness world record holder for the fastest true circumnavigation of the world. Let Thomm Sandberg show you a great A.D.’s Portfolio. Call 724-0694